
Reverse Test Probe


The I-Stop reverse test probe is a test accessory you can use with signal level meters and / or analyzers for bi-directional measurements with no risk of power damage.

The I-Stop reverse test probe is a test accessory designed for use with:

  • Most signal level meters
  • VIAVI DSP meters
  • VIAVI ONX meters
  • VIAVI 860 DSPi
  • VIAVI PathTrak / XPERTrak
  • ViewPoint / SST

Simply screw the probe into a KS port on the distribution tap, connect the field meter to the test port, then press the button on the side of the probe. If the headend ingress displayed decreases by 4 to 6 dB when the button is pressed, the source of the ingress is farther from the node than the test point. Ingress that does not decrease is entering the system nearer to the node than the test point. The I-Stop probe has little or no visible effect on forward path signals.

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I-Stop Probe Application Notes