GX2 RX200BX2

Dual/Quad prijímač so spätným smerom

GX2 RX200BX2


  • High module density: up to 16 receiver modules in a four rack-unit housing allow up to 64 return paths with quad modules
  • High Performance: an integrated low-noise preamp and high-performance postamp allows a high RF output level and exceptional distortion performance
  • Intelligence-contains high-performance PowerPC micro-processor provided by Motorola
  • Quick-Swap capability-replacement modules are recognized and updated with settings prestored by the control module
  • RX200-BX2: user friendly: 2 independent front panel RF test points (one for each receiver) and two gain modes simplify
  • RX200-BX2: one testponit and three gain modes simplify link optimization
  • Energy efficient

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